About Ugo Piovan
Trafoexperts Transformer Consulting ServicesUgo Piovan, Transformer Consultant
I am an internationally recognized expert in:
- UHV AC transformers (up to 1200kV)
- UHV DC transformers (up to 800kV)
- transformers for high current applications (up to 120kA) such as electric arc furnace and aluminium smelters
- transformers for power electronics
In 2012 I received the IEC 1906 Award for my work on industrial converter transformers.
In addition to a solid theoretical background in transformer engineering, I have also developed in my career:
- Knowledge of the practical aspects of transformer manufacturing.
- Understanding of the customers’s needs (through the marketing and sales of services and components to transformer manufacturers and transformer end users).
- Close relationship with international institutions for standards and R&D.
My first transformer: 230/100000V, 5kVA (with an epoxy tank, there is no need of bushing).
For more information, please see my curriculum vitae at the top of this page as well as our references and publications.
Professional Experience
During my career I developed significant experience with:
a) Design, design review and failure analysis of:
- HVDC Transformers (up to 800 kV DC)
- Industrial Transformer (Electric Arc Furnace, Rectifiers, etc.) (up to 120 kA)
- Transformer for special power electronics applications like STATCOM and cycloconverters
- Power transformers (up to 1200 kV AC)
- Generator Step Up Transformer
- Shunt reactors
- Series Reactors
- Variable gap reactor for resonant circuits for cable testing
- Continuous voltage regulators (carbon rolls and moving coil)
- HV Test Transformers
b) Automation of engineering processes and development of design tools.
c) Coordination of R&D between internal resources and external R&D entities like international laboratories
d) Finite Element simulations applied to power equipment for dielectric, magnetic and thermal field problems.
e) On site measurements, testing and failure analysis.
f) Teaching courses for industry engineers in transformer design and finite element electric and magnetic field analysis.
g) Leadership of geographically distributed, multi-cultural teams.
h) Development of new engineering services and products (subcomponents) for transformers.
i) Sales and marketing of engineering services and products (participation to international conferences and committees to promote the company brand through scientific work, visit customers to understand their needs and develop the appropriate value proposition, etc.).
j) Transformer factory audits.
k) Technical support to legal teams in litigations involving power equipment
Participation in International Bodies
I am an internationally recognized expert in transformers with special regards to problems related to load losses due to harmonic currents and to challenges in design of UHV transformer insulation systems for both AC and DC applications. In particular, I was / am a member of:
- Member of the IEC TC 14 Maintenance Team in charge of the review of IEC 60076-5 Power transformers - Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit (ongoing activity).
- Convenor of the IEC TC 14 Maintenance Team in charge of the review of IEC 61378-3 Convertor transformers - Part 3: Application guide (completed activity).
- Convenor of the IEC TC 14 Maintenance Team 7 in charge of the review of IEC 61378-1 Convertor transformers - Part 1: Transformers for industrial application (completed activity).
- Member of Working Group 21 Converter Transformers which produced IEC 61378-2 (HVDC transformers) and IEC 61378-3 (application guide) (completed activity).
- Member IEC TC 14 Working Group 29 High temperature insulation systems (completed activity).
- Secretary of CIGRE JWG A2/D1-41 HVDC transformer insulation – Oil conductivity. I participate to this group as expert of insulation systems for HVDC transformer and of numerical simulations of dielectric phenomena (completed activity).
- Member of CIGRE JWG A2/B4-28 HVDC Converter Transformers, where I contributed writing the section related to HVDC insulation system and to the section about load losses due to harmonic currents and magnetic fields (completed activity).
- Member of CIGRE WG A2-57 Effects of DC bias on power transformers (ongoing activity).
- Member of IEEE Working Group for HVDC transformers which produced IEEE Std C57.129-2007 (completed activity)
- Member of IEEE Working Group for Arc Furnace Transformers (completed activity)
Employment History
Jan 2010 - April 2011: Head of Technology Services and Innovation, Weidmann Electrical Technology AG, Rapperswil, Switzerland. In this position I am responsible for R&D and Technology (including technical relations with customers) worldwide for the Power Transformer segment in the Weidmann Group. I had more than 30 highly skilled engineers reporting to me.
2000-2009: Head of engineering Services, Weidmann Electrical Technology AG, Chiasso, Switzerland. In this function, among other things, I developed and sold new engineering services, extending Weidmann services portfolio beyond insulation studies to include also magnetic and thermal aspects of transformer design.
1998-2000: Chief engineer, Tamini Trasformatori, Melegnano, italy
1996-1997: Transformer design engineer, Tamini Trasformatori, Melegnano, italy
1993-1995: Transformer design and test engineer, Specialtrasfo, Cologno, italy
- Italian: mother tongue
- English: very good
- French: good
- German: discrete
- Japanese: basic

Dr. Ing. Ugo Piovan
Transformer Consultant
Trafoexperts GmbH
8610, Uster, Switzerland